Right on the second day of the 2008 Beijing Olympics games, Kai impressed us with his first crawl forward. China and GB are both doing well, and surely Kai has got inspiration from that.
Before this he always loved to pivot around in the pushup position. He tried to crawl, but he didn’t know that he had to move his arms forward when his legs budged forward. Probably in his little brain he thought he would move a little bit if he pushed legs harder, but often he ended up with buttock high in the air with four limbs pushing hard into the ground, very much like the “Downward facing dog” pose mum often does in her Yoga course.

Just all of a sudden he realised how to coordinate his arms and legs to move forward.. He uses one arm to drag his fat body along the floor and then the other to move even more. The whole crawling is done on the floor. His tummy has never moved off the floor, so it’s not the proper crawl yet, but we were very happy about his pre-crawl. He is also very delighted and keeps practicing it. With practice he can crawl quite far and often wanders off when we are not watching him. So we removed all the sharp objects Kai may encounter on the floor to make his crawl even more smoothly.