Wednesday, August 25, 2010

An update (August 2010) Kai's bit

Kai loves singing and dancing mainly thanks to his teacher Miss Jian in the playschool. Miss Jian is a lovely lady, she is kind, patient, energetic and enthusiastic. Kai has never had any problem with going to the playschool, as he knows he can see Miss Jian there.

Kai likes singing to show his happiness. It's great fun to watch him singing action songs in front of us.

Kai has made a lot of friends in the playschool, as well as in the neighborhood. He goes to the playschool at 8:30 in the morning and comes back at quarter to 12. (Only recently he started to go full-time, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm when mum is at work) After lunch and a nap, he plays with the little neighbors. We have a big fish pond in the communal garden. Kai's favourite activity in a summer afternoon was fishing baby frogs with friends.

Kai's friend has a little white dog. Kai loves to see it, but is afraid to go anywhere near it.

Kai loves books as well. Bedtime story is one of his most enjoyable times. We read some fairy tales to him, as well as some English nursery rhymes. His favourite fairy tale is Frog Prince, and his favourite nursery rhyme is "Pussy cat". When he is asked "Where have you been?", his answer is probably "I've been to London to look at the queen."!

Kai's Chinese is better than his English - he can beat his Dad on speaking Chinese. His listening in English is pretty good, he can understand most of the things. With speaking, he can say many words, but he is not so advanced in complete sentences. He does need more practice on it. In China, the most asked question is probably "Can he speak Chinese? What about English?"

Kai had been modelling for mum's little taobao shop (online shop). His image did attract some buyers for mum. Many of mum's favorite photos of Kai came from clothes photo shooting. Kai also had two more modelling jobs done for corporate use.

Kai is a very typical boy. He likes all the stuff other boys like, for example, Toy Story, Thomas and friends. He also showed very much interest in cars. He currently owns several car models, including Morgan, Lamborghini,VW, Mini, Mercedes. His father succeeded in teaching him many car symbols. Every day on the way to and from playschool his enjoyments are singing loudly to me and recognizing all the car makes of the cars parked on the road. He is very familiar with Honda, Toyota and VW, as we see them most on Chinese streets.

At the end, Kai is also a warm-hearted boy. He seldom asks me to carry him if he is not on a pushchair. One morning, after I woke him up, I felt like that I wanted to carry him out of the bed. He rubbed his half-opened eyes, and asked me:"Mum,is your back not painful today?" I nearly broke into tears when I heard it. How sweet is he at that moment.

Monday, August 23, 2010

an update (August 2010)

Dear all,

I still can't use facebook in China, so every time when i come to the UK, I write a short update, so that you know we haven't forgotten you, and at the same time, to make sure, that we haven't been forgotten either.

Jenny's part:

I started teaching German in a language school in Guangzhou, China, one month ago. I do enjoy teaching. Although I haven't spoken or read German since I left National, I did pick up the language very quickly. My students are mainly university graduates who plan to study in Germany in the near future. The big advantage of the job is that I don't have to sit in an office 8 hours a day, which is good for my back, and furthermore, I finish work at 3 pm if I have a class in the afternoon, so I can pick up Kai from the nursery myself and then have enough time to prepare the dinner, which is perfect.

I developed the hobby of photography from some point. My current gear is Canon EOS 450D. It's just an entry level digital SLR (Single-lens reflex) camera. I was exchanging skills with a professional photographer. I taught him English, and he taught me photography. We met once a week for a three-hour exchange session. We have been doing this for quite a while until he was far too busy with his job. I am still very interested in photography, and hoping to find a way to learn more when Kai goes to proper nursery this September.

I went to India with Jonathan in April. He was on a business trip and spent most of his time in the office in Gurgaon near Delhi. I travelled to Delhi, Rishikesh (the Yoga town), Haridwar (a holy town) and Agra (where Taj Mahal sits). Most of the time I travelled on my own, and I did enjoy staying in those beautiful places. Most of the people were very friendly, and I was always lucky to get help from others, while some of the people were dishonest and trying to take disadvantage from tourists, which is fairly typical. India, as a country, like their sarees, is very colorful in scenery and culture. Many people are having a hard life, but they seem to be very happy. I think I will go back again, and travelling alone, is not a bad thing to me.

(to be continued...)