Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kai's first visit to the zoo

These lovely birds were what Kai missed in the zoo.

Kai always liked to watch doggies and chicks, so we thought he would enjoy a zoo, but we were a bit wrong.

After buying the tickets, when we were about to enter the zoo, Kai fell asleep in his comfy pushchair. We felt like disappointed hosts who prepared a feast for guests, who didn't turn up. We decided to enjoy the feast ourselves.

It's a beautiful zoo with nice woods and cool lakes, of course also many unusual birds and animals. When we were watching the birds and taking photos, we thought of Kai. Poor boy, you missed this and this ...

At the end of the birds area, Kai woke up. He was happy to find himself in a complete new place. He looked around at the beautiful birds in the cages, sometimes talk to them, in a language we don't understand, probably the birds do.

Kai quite liked the monkey area. He liked to watch the monkeys leaping skillfully between trees, grooming each other, or simply having a rest in the sun. He also found the golden monkeys from China interesting. The two monkeys were quarrelling to each other, with golden fur shining in the sun.

Walking past the tigers, lions, wolves, wild boars and many other beasts, Kai fell asleep again. It was not his fault. The zoo is huge. I was disappointed again, as I wanted to show him pandas. He has never seen pandas, but he should love pandas. Everyone loves pandas. However, it's possible, Kai wouldn't be impressed by pandas if he was awake. Look, the real panda wasn't as lovely as the artificial ones, was it?

The real panda

The artificial one

Saturday, October 11, 2008

sweet memory: September in Shiyan

Kai and the neighbours

Kai was super popular within the estate where my parents live, not only because he is half a foreign baby, also because he could get on well with everyone。He smiled to everyone he met。 He allowed anyone to hold him if they wished。 In the summer afternoon,the retired ladies liked to gather together in the central yard, do some knitting, have a chat。 If they were lucky, they can even enjoy some precious summer breeze。 Kai brought laughter to them, almost every day,so did Kai‘s new friend ”Little Piano“, a baby girl only one day younger than Kai。

the hair cut

Kai had his hair cut again, this time in a salon. He's got his own chair to sit on, a lovely red chair. At the beginning Kai behaved very well. He even got compliments from the hair dresser for his cooperation. But, it didn't take long until he realized that it was the hair clipper that was making the buzzing noise. He began to follow the hair dresser for the hair clipper. With Kai's constant interruption the hair cut was finally finished. Looking into the mirror Kai didn't seem to be impressed by his new hair style. In the evening at the time when he was taking a bath he became pleased with his cool head.

Kai's favorite places

Kai liked to play at several places in my parents' home. He liked to stand on the sofa and play with his toys on the back of the sofa. He liked to crawl under the tea table and play with the artificial flowers. He liked to climb onto the balcony and look at the people outside. Kai also liked to open grandparents' wardrobe and pull out the clothes.

The first skype chat with the UK

Kai's grandparents Linda and Frank have got a web cam and they tried it out today to see Kai at 8 pm, China time.

We rushed to finish our dinner, and got the laptop out. Kai was excited to see the laptop, as always, and started to bang the highchair tray. No, it's not for you to use yet - Jonathan had to emphasize it again. It was also the first time for Jonathan and me to use Skype. The sound was OK, but too quiet, so Jonathan used a headset, and the video quality was not as high quality as I was anticipating either. Lips and voice were not synced. Motion was not full and fluid. Kai was curiously watching us playing with the laptop and urged us to get him out of the highchair in his own way. He excitedly swang his arms and legs when we finally got him out. Jonathan put Kai onto his lap. Kai found the headset interesting and tried to grab it. Soon he became distracted by the video on the computer screen - there were two people talking and waving to him. Kai was overwhelmed. He kept jumping up and down on his dad's lap and never stayed still.

It was a nice chat. Kai looks forward to the next time.