Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kai's friends

Kai has many friends, so has his Mum.

Nearly every day after 10 am in the morning till lunch time and after 4 pm in the afternoon, there are baby-and-mum (or baby-and-grandma) meetings. The babies range from 1 month old to 2 years old. They share toys and play together.

Where we meet

The baby team and their mums

It was not easy to get a photo of nearly all the babies standing in a line. Especially Kai, he was the one who protested the most!

the big face: give me the toy!

We hope the little boy won't mind that we call him the big face. We are not being rude, but that's the easiest way to remember him. He is only 6 months old, and his face is double the size of Kai's, and he is even heavier than Kai.

Kai: Can I have a kick as well?

Occasionally there are older boys playing around or cycling around. Normally they are not willing to play with the small babies or toddlers.

Kai: I got badminton racket, can we play together?

The little girl is called Tongtong. Normally she is generous, and she shares toys with other toddlers.

Kai: Let me push you!

The boy in blue has a very traditional pushchair, which his mum purchased
in the countryside. I think it's great for summer, as toddlers can sit upright in it without harness, with a lot of leg room, and it's quite safe. It even has a fit-in music board for toddlers to play with.

another good friend of Kai

The little white dog, one of the family members of the big face, is called Laiwang, which means "Luck is coming". Kai especially likes this friend. Every time when Kai meets him, Kai calls out GAO GAO (Chinese for doggy) from even far away.

Monday, February 9, 2009

snap: I just had a bath!

Snap: Cheerios, not bad!

- Heard many people (including children of my age) eat Cheerios in the UK, Mum bought me some to try.
- Hmm, the crunchy rings go quite well with cold milk, yummy. I want some more.
- Mum, stop feeding me like a baby, I want to feed myself, like a big boy.

Snap: All good things come to the bin

A new toy, I like it, to the bin; Mum's T-shirt, I like it, to the bin; my socks, I like them, also to the bin.
Whenever Kai finds anything he likes, he throws them to the bin. To avoid the trouble of constantly washing Kai's favorites, I close the kitchen door when I cook or put a clean, empty bin for him to play.
Kai must be copying Mum when he bins things, but he needs to realise, bad things to bin, good things to keep. Hope it doesn't take him long to get that.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kai has got a new cousin!

Welcome Clement, to the gang of boys of family Orton! (There are four of them now). Can't wait to see them all playing together!