The photos were from Kai’s first professional photo shooting.
We didn’t plan to have an album of Kai made by a photo studio, but to have his hair shaved. In China people shave their babies at one month (some places at 100th day) and using the collected hair to make Chinese writing brushes.
We didn’t intend to follow the tradition, but we did feel it necessary to have Kai’s hair shaved, so we went to a special shop. The lady in the shop shaved Kai’s hair very carefully and Kai looked brilliant with bald head. What shall we do with the shaved hair? Throw it away? No, it was Kai’s first hair, as precious as his first smile. The idea of making a Chinese writing brush became attractive to us, as it would be a nice way to keep Kai’s hair. We thought Kai would be impressed to see the souvenir from his first hair cut when he is old enough.

Before we went out of the shop, the lady gave us a voucher of two free professional baby photos. Well, two professional photos for free, why not? So we went to the photo studio nearby. The sales lady in the photo studio showed us several kinds of album, and tried to persuade us to have one album done. The album making sounded expensive to us, so we refused the album and only wished to get our two free photos. The photo shooting began. Three staffs of the studio worked together, one was taking photos, another was holding Kai if needed, and the third was playing rattles above the photographer’s head to draw Kai’s attention. Kai was really relaxed in front of the camera and was wriggling, smiling, playing all the time, as if he was at home. The photos were so nice that we changed our mind and decided to have one album done.
The whole thing sounded like a trap, but, as we are happy with the result, we didn't really mind it.