After such a huge break, I, Kai's mum, finally resume Kai's blog. A lot of things happened during the break, e.g. we lost our camera in HongKong, so we can't show the photo of Kai on top of a big luggage mountain when we came to China; Kai had a month of mixed feed in his fourth month, and I had to give up breastfeeding completely from the fifth month when I began medical treatment; Kai can roll over very easily onto his belly and has fun reaching his toys; Kai has slept through since 4 days ago. Kai is a big boy now, pretty fat. It's accurate to say he is fat, when you look at his arms and legs, his belly and neck full of folds.

It’s nice to reunite with Jonathan. Three of us, is a complete family. Kai also enjoys the time with Dad a lot. He enjoys playing with Dad on the bed, taking bath and splashing his chuby legs into the water and laughing a lot when Jonathan tickles him. Kai is so different from 2 months ago when we were in the UK: He is such a happy and lively boy.

Dear Kai, Great Aunty Sue here writing to say how much you've grown since Aunty Helen's wedding in April. You look so happy and lively- China suits you. Our favorite picture is the one of you in your chinese outfit. You are so handsome!
We are in the UK visiting Great grandma and grandpa and will stay for 2 weeks.I'll show your latest pictures to my friends in the USA- you are a world famous baby!
Keep growing and sleeping through the night.
Love, Sue and Don
Jun it's so great hearing from you again, it had been a long quiet while! Kai is looking so sweet and so much like you too; I also love the pic with his Chinese outfit, and the family shot, you all look so radiant and happy! I hope you'll find time to blog often, I'll be checking often!!
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