The first time when we went to the pool, it rained a little bit and wasn’t very warm. The weather on that day wasn’t normal for Guangzhou’s boiling August. We hadn’t got any swimming aid for Kai, and Jonathan insisted Kai swimming without any aid. So Jonathan and I took turns to hold Kai's arms playing in the water. Kai didn’t seem to enjoy it, just kicked his legs in the water clenching his toothless mouth. He was trying to get used to the feeling of being partly weightless in the water, we think. After about ten minutes, his lips became a bit dark, we knew, he was cold and took him out of the pool.
The second time in the pool was on a warm evening. Jonathan wasn’t at home. My dad and I took him to the pool. He had his inflatable swimming neck ring. The ring wasn’t easy to use. Kai’s neck was a little smaller than the ring hole, so I had to keep adjusting the ring, so no water would go into Kai’s mouth. This time, Kai seemed to be much more relaxed than the first time. He used backstroke with me holding his back. He enjoyed floating on the water and peddled the water happily. Kai had instinct of protecting himself by holding the ring tightly. He did well and even sometimes I could release my hand from his back for a short time. He was happily swimming and cooed out of joy. Some people were attracted by Kai’s swimming and watched him curiously - In China the people don’t normally let small babies swimming in the pool.

From then on, we take Kai to swim more often. When we put on his swimming nappy, and take him out of the home, he realizes that he is going swimming and becomes really cheerful swinging his arms and legs and can’t wait to go into the pool again!
P.S. an interesting article about baby swimming in China
Jun, how did they get his head into this very tight fitting swim ring?!?
Hi Alex, the swimming ring has an opening on the side! :-) The pink part on the ring is the harness to close the opening. I've never seen such things in Britain. I think the neck ring is a bit bizarre, but useful in the case of no baby swim trainer on site.
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