Thursday, January 31, 2008

May I introduce myself?

Hello everybody,

May I introduce myself? From today on, I change my name from JJ to Kai Orton, precisely Kai Jonathan Orton. I am the son of Jonathan and Jun Orton. According to my family's tradition, I inherited my father's first name as my middle name. Regarding my first name Kai, it's a really multi-national name. Do you know that in German Kai means Fort, in Hawaiian it means Ocean, in Native American it means Willow Tree, in Scottish it means Fire and in Welsh it means Rejoicer? The most important, in Chinese it means Victory. You see, my mum and dad did do much research to find such a nice name for me.

I am four days old now. My birthday was the 28. January, 2008. I was born at 4:43 in Leicester Royal Infirmary. As you could see from my previous blog, I was born 12 days later than expected. Do you know the idea of induction really horrofied me, so I decided to come out "spontanuously"? The labour wasn't very smooth, but better than an induction, wasn't it?

Mum said, I am a good boy. I don't cry for dirty nappies or boredom, but only for food. Visitors said, including my grandparents, greatgrandparents, I don't have newborn wrinkles, but lovely chubby pinkish cheeks.

A picture is worth thousand words. I am going to show you SEVERAL photoes of me. Bye bye for now.

Kai Orton


Alexandra said...

So baby JJ is baby KJ now? wjat a good name he has, and how beautiful he is! Alex says, welcome baby KJ, and Tara blows him a kiss!

Alexandra said...

Yes, Jun, he really has your nose and mouth! :-)

Alexandra said...

Oh wait, in Chinese tradition, doesn't one have to say that a baby is ugly? To distract evil spirits that would otherwise be jealous of the baby?