Dirty nappies: TRUE From day 4, when I began to have mature breast milk, not colostrum, Kai started poo and wee a lot. I was a little bit overjoyed at the beginning, as yellow poo means Kai had been fed well, which I was hoping for. With the time, when Kai got more and more poo in his nappies, and the interval between nappy changes seemed to be shorter and shorter, the happiness starts to wear off. At one point, when Kai weed and pooed on the changing mat when I was changing nappy for him, I felt disgusted. Fortunately until now, there hasn’t been such an instance that Kai wees “fountains” into my face, the worst scenario so far is that Kai weed onto Grandma’s trousers.
Not nice to talk or hear about wee and poo, is it? But generally Kai is lovely. He doesn’t complain about dirty nappies at all. It has been always others who spot his dirty nappies.
I found a really cute Japanese cartoon potty training video, which I could use for Kai when he starts potty training. http://www.boreme.com/boreme/funny-2007/japanese-toilet-training-p1.php

Sleepless night: FALSE
The first night with Kai has been a disaster. After giving him a feed, as soon as I put him back into the Moses basket, he started to cry. It seems that he didn’t like to be left alone. The first night was awful and made me really feel miserable about the future nights with Kai.
From the second night, I put him onto my bed, under different cover though. After finding out that Alex is stilling doing the same to Tara, I was really relieved and didn’t mind to be a rebel (Almost all midwives hate the idea of sleeping with babies). At night whenever Kai needs a feed, I give it to him, so he has unlimited access to my breast milk. It works really well. Kai is definitely happy, I am happy as well, so does Jonathan. No nasty baby cry at night any longer. Frankly speaking, I get some precious sleep at night, but not really as deep as before. As in my subconscious I am not only a sleeper, also a mum who needs to be available to my baby whenever he needs me. As a result, I have vivid dreams throughout the night. I like adventurous dreams, so from this point of view, I am happy too.
1 comment:
I have to be honest. I still love the cuddles at night with Tara in my bed, but we're getting to a point where I wouldn't mind having my nights back to myself either. But for the first 12 months or so, I can only say: no regrets what so ever, and it makes the nights and life so much easier, because you actually get some good nights sleep!
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