Accurately speaking, those soaps should be defined as Chinese television drama, similar to American drama, like Desperate Housewife or Lost, but often longer in length, and portray a story too lengthy to be made into a movie. They often have 30 to 50 episodes and each episode ends in Cliffhangers. Among all kinds of dramas the historical fictions are the most popular ones. Well, no wonder. China has a history of 5000 years with 308 emperors. Each emperor himself had a very colourful life, plus the life of his hundreds of officials and the life of his thousands of wives. Such large number of story sources will certainly keep Chinese drama producers extremely busy and Chinese viewers extremely addictive.
Even one day, Mum and Dad found some similarity in appearance between an emperor and Kai, due to watching Chinese television dramas too much.
Kai is also affected by his grandparents. He has been sitting on the couch and watching TV for about 20 minutes.
Even when we change nappy for him, if the television is on, he would automatically turn his head to it.
So which emperor is the one depicted in the first picture? The same as in the second and third? A future projection of baby "jj" kai? I think it must be! He's so gorgeous he should be emperor! Or TV soap star at least!
Alex & Tara, you are very good at suggesting career for Kai. Shall I suggest a career for you? - as a career advisor! No, Kai won't become a little emperor. Do you know in China the children who are spoilt by their families are called little emperor or little princess? Our Kai should not be spoilt by us. But if he has talent and he really wants to, TV soap star is not a bad career. : D
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