the UK's biggest in 25 years happened this morning. Around 1 am, I woke up. The biological clock within my body reminded me of Kai's feeding time, but Kai was still asleep. I felt a sudden shake of the wall above my head, which lasted about 3 seconds. What happened? It wasn't until the next day I knew it was an earthquake! Dad said he was waken up as the bed simply jumped up! What an experience!
In Chinese tradition noodles are commonly served at birthday celebrations, as long noodles symbolize a long life. My parents are traditional people, so we had noodles for lunch on Kai's one month birthday. What did Kai have? Of course the warm and delicious milk from mum!
Kai got his passport today. It's a brand new biometric passport with an electronic chip inside. The technology is getting much more advanced compared to many many years ago when we were born, isn't it?
Kai's great grandparents visited this afternoon. The pleasant visit began with a discussion about Chinese lunar calender and ended with the discovery of the functions of our ever loved BBB (the Big Blue (Gym)Ball). Was Kai listening to our intelligent conversation? No way. He was asleep most of the time. Well, a "great" birthday boy - for such absence of mind!
It's a good opportunity to review how well I and Kai have been doing. Kai has grown nearly a head length over the last one month. Here is the photographic evidence:
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